

(:Summary: PmWiki group header. Includes styles and trail.:) (:comment please leave the multiple style definitions concatenated as a single line. Linebreaks do appear in the output when the wiki is configured with linebreaks enabled -- thanks!:) (:comment included in PmWiki localisation headers and footers :)

administrators (basic)
(:nl:)(:Summary:Pre-requisites for running the PmWiki wiki engine:)(:Audience: administrators (basic) :)

Prerequisites for running the PmWiki wiki engine: # PHP 4.3 or later ** PHP 5 or later is recommended # Some sort of webserver that can run PHP scripts.

PmWiki has been reported to work with the following OS/webserver combinations: * Apache 1.3 or 2.0, on roughly anything (Unix, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X) ** Apache 2.4 or later is recommended * lighttpd (1.4.19 php-fastcgi ssl) on Linux * nginx (0.8.47) on Windows * Microsoft Internet Information Server, on Windows * Linux + LiteSpeedWeb Server Standard Edition * appWeb (a small, php-enabled webserver) executing on a Linksys NSLU2 Network Storage Link device

PmWiki has been reported not to work on: * Mac OS before Mac OS X because there's no PHP available * Specific Release Candidate builds of PHP 5.3 for Windows may not work correctly with passwords

The Standalone recipe provides a special, bare-bones webserver application that can be used to run PmWiki in places where another webserver isn't available. PmWiki can also be run from a USB drive.(:nl:)(:Summary:Trail and talk page links:) (:comment included in PmWiki localisation headers and footers :) <<? >>bgcolor=#ffe border-top="1px solid black" font-size=.8em<< This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:Requirements, and a talk page: PmWiki:Requirements-Talk. >><<

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