Segurança sob J2EE

Resumo da Segurança com J2EE/EJB

O modelo de segurança declarativa EJB 1.1

Configuração da segurança declarativa

ejb_11_security_dtd.jpg (72135 bytes)

        This role includes the employees of the
        enterprise who are allowed to access the
        employee self-service application. This role
        is allowed only to access his/her own
        This role includes the employees of the human
        resources department. The role is allowed to
        view and update all employee records.
        This role includes the employees of the payroll
        department. The role is allowed to view and
        update the payroll entry for any employee.

Segurança customizada

                This role should be assigned to the employees of the payroll department.
                Members of this role have access to anyone's payroll record.
                The role has been linked to the payroll-department role.

Segurança Customizada sob JBoss

Criação de um proxy de segurança

    <!-- use the jboss default "other" security domain -->
        <!-- Specify the proxy class to be used to protect
            this entity -->



Um exemplo simples

jw-0215-ejbsecurity.png (6958 bytes)

public class TradingAccountSecurityProxy implements {
   private Category _log = Category.getInstance(getClass().getName());
   private ThreadLocal _ctx = new ThreadLocal();

// ... init and invokeHome methods removed

   public void setEJBContext(EJBContext ctx) {"setEJBContext " + ctx);

   public void invoke(Method m, Object[] args, Object bean)
      throws SecurityException {
      if (!(bean instanceof TradingAccountBean))
         throw new SecurityException("Invalid bean instance for
            security proxy");

      EJBContext ctx = (EJBContext)_ctx.get();
      String caller = ctx.getCallerPrincipal().getName();
      TradingAccountBean account = (TradingAccountBean)bean;
      String operation = m.getName();"invoke " + operation + " called by " + caller);

     // The implementation of the defined policies.
      if (operation.equals("buy") || operation.equals("sell")) {
         int qty = ((Integer)args[1]).intValue();

     // 1. A trader can only buy or sell shares through her own account.
         if (!account.getAccountId().equals(caller)) {
            _log.warn("method " + operation + "
               called on account " + account.getAccountId() +
                " by invalid user " + caller);
            throw new SecurityException("caller is not the account owner");

     // 2. A single transaction must have a value
     // less than or equal to 50 million.
         int value = qty * 100; // In our kid-on example all the
                                // shares cost 100.
         if (value > 5e7) {
            _log.warn(operation + " invoked with too high
               transaction value: " + value);
            throw new SecurityException("transaction value is too large");

     // 3. An account balance cannot exceed 100 million or go below -100
     // million.
         int newBalance = account.getBalance() + (operation.equals
            ("sell") ? value : -value);
         if (Math.abs(newBalance) >= 1e8) {
            _log.warn(operation + " would exceed bounds on account
               balance: " + newBalance);
            throw new SecurityException("balance exceeded");

Usuários e papeis
